Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another Week

October 19, 2010

I only have one week left... this thought kinda scares me. In one week I have to make sure I have everything I might need for the next 18 months and then try to find some way to fit it into 2 suitcases. In contrast, the 8 month collection of stuff I brought for my first two semesters at school filled the family car. I'm slightly less stressed knowing my living arrangements will be fully furnished.

Isn't it interesting though, how much we can simplify our lives. We really don't need all that much in order to survive. Of course we need some clothing and it's always a good idea to have a basic first aid kit on hand, but it's the pleasantries in life that really take up space. I'm sure I could have made it through my freshman year just fine without bringing along my electronic piano, guitar, temper-pedic mattress topper, and other such items. So this next week is about figuring out how to simplify. The next 18 months are about trying not to go crazy with my simplified living style.