It's 2 a.m. I can't sleep. Therefore- I blog. But considering how very long it's been since I've last written, I figure it's probably a good idea. It's pretty good timing as well. Summer term ended about a week ago. I've had plenty of time now to reflect on that adventure that has passed. Fall semester starts in about a week. I'm at a lovely turning/restarting point in the year; the eager and excited feelings have taken hold.
So, some of the things I've learned since returning to school and "normal life" :
1. American Heritage. This class was a challenge and a half, and I made it no easier on myself by taking it in the summer and through the honors program. Yet I feel I've grown from the experience. Because of this class, I've learned that essays sometimes just sound better in a different language, but my writing skills have improved by challenging myself to only write in a language my professor can understand. I also discovered something I haven't felt in a while- the feeling of working yourself to the bone to earn an A, barely getting it, and feeling it was more deserved than any other grade this term. I guess I really put myself out of my comfort zone (which consists of stars and night time) and learned something from it. Cool- no?
2. Friends. I've been reminded that there are people in this world that you will come to trust and rely on who will turn around and leave you lonely faster than you can blink. But I've been taught that there really are people in this world who will love you and care about you for the person that is you. There are people who want to be your friend. There are people who are good. I feel so blessed to have met them.
3. Change. There are several things about myself I don't particularly like. The past few months, with the help of several people, I came to realize that those don't have to be permanent parts of myself. (I've kinda always known this, but the understanding is slowly dawning on me) So, I changed... a little bit... or at least tried to. But the point is, I can do it, and I am doing it. And through this, I'm starting to understand why Heavenly Father loves me so much even though I'm so far from perfect.
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