Dear 2013,
We have only just met, yet we have already shared special experiences. We have already had a chance to stay up till 4 a.m. and have also had the chance to wake up far earlier than I desired. We've gone shopping, visited the doctor, and even had a hair appointment. I feel we shall soon be good friends.
Yet I foresee the journey will not always be so easy. I wonder what you have in store for me. You have prepared miracles for me. There is adventure, excitement, and magic awaiting us as this friendship develops. But this isn't all, is it? I fear what else lies in wait. If I could see it all now, I probably would strive (admittedly in vain) to end our friendship immediately. There will be pain and sadness. Some adventures we face will be filled with loneliness and misunderstanding. Can you deny this? You know it as well as I.
But I am not afraid. You and I- we'll make it through. I see this friendship lasting a long time. Regardless of what lies ahead, and mostly because of it, I will become a better person. One who will look back with gratitude for the time we had together. That which is ahead of us will be difficult, wonderful, and life changing.
I'm ready!
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