Friday, August 23, 2013


Sometimes, life is so perfect, there is no time to write about it, which is really a shame because it limits the opportunity to share something wonderful with others.

So- a quick synopsis of all I've done since I last wrote.  I finished my summer research internship.  I had to write a super long project report and give a really intimidating presentation to a bunch of scientists who know far more about solar physics than I do.  However, my adviser said it was amazing and a bunch of other people told me that I did a good job.  Success!

After finishing work with the National Observatory, I briefly returned to school to attend the wedding of one of my best friends.  Weddings in the LDS church are a little different from the traditional wedding.  I believe that God has called a living prophet and given him the authority to lead the church.  The prophet has the ability to appoint individuals as sealers. These are people who have been given the authority described in Mathew 16:19, "whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven."  This means weddings do not end with the typical mantra "till death do you part", the ceremony is instead concluded with the statement "sealed as man and wife for time and all eternity."  Having the opportunity to hear these words again reminded me of Heavenly Father's plan for us.  He doesn't just want us to be happy and married here on earth, He has provided us with the opportunity to be a family for all eternity.  We can be happy for all eternity.

I returned home after the wedding and purchased my first car.  I now have a car, and it's a beautiful car; I feel so empowered. My time was also spent weeding the backyard and shopping with my mom and younger brother as he prepared to start his first year of college.  My baby brother is going to be up at school with me. It's the first time we've attended the same school at the same time since I was in 5th grade.

I'm now back at school getting caught up with friends and enjoying the time to relax before another school year starts.  The weather is calm and a little rainy. The air is filled with the anticipation of something new about to begin.  It's going to be a great school year!

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