Sunday, April 20, 2014

Friday Nights

A text conversation finalizing plans for Friday night. This actually isn't that rare of an occurrence. (note: code names have been changed to protect the secret identity of involved individuals). I love my friends.

R: Lion acquired!
O: Roger that, Operation Lion is a go. I repeat: Operation Lion is go.
R: I copy that Roger. Commencing Operation Lion!
O: What other tasks need to be completed for Operation Lion to continue?
R: I am not sure about other tasks but I think code names are a must for things to move forward in a meaningful way.
O: Well, a meal should be acquired. B (let us call her Cinderella) has already accomplished this task. She's on top of things. You shall be called Rogue.
R: Alright, way to go Cinderella! What is your code name?
O: Come on Rogue, I can't do all the work here!
R: Okay, we will call you Omega.
O: That will be adequate!
R: You could be Mahogany if you like it better.
O: Either will do, which ever will be easier for you to recall when in a high-stress situation.  I still have not found a solution for the first task.
R: The first task?
O: Acquisition of food... I suppose it is more accurately the second task since the first was the lion. Cinderella and I estimate that Operation Lion can officially start around 9.
R: Sounds good.

At 9:
R: Rogue to Omega. Requesting status of Operation Lion.
O: Cinderella has not yet returned. Operation Lion temporarily postponed.
R: Copy.

A few minutes later:
O: Cinderella has returned. Operation Lion ready to commence. Awaiting your arrival, Rogue.  And don't forget to bring the lion.

It should be noted that Rogue arrived promptly to the designated location, which was then securely locked with windows covered to prevent possible witnesses and "the lion" was delivered.

...and then we watched Secondhand Lions.

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