Once again, this is getting posted long after it originally occurred. Fortunately, I'm only 2 weeks late in my updates instead of 4 weeks late. 2 weeks ago, precisely, I made a cake from scratch. My friends and I decided to make a spice cake. For a first attempt at making a spice cake from scratch, it was quite delicious. We only made one mistake in the process of making our cake... we accidentally doubled the recipe for the frosting. It's been two weeks and I'm pretty sure we still have frosting in our fridge.
So, why did I pick precisely two weeks ago to make a cake? I felt like celebrating May 16th, which is the same day I returned to America from the Philippines, two years ago. And still, two years after ending my mission, two years after coming home, I still see daily the influence my time in the Philippines has had on my life. For example, I still think in Hiligaynon and I still feel cold inside of buildings that have air conditioning. But on a more serious note, each day is made fuller, richer, and happier by the knowledge of God's love for me and the testimony of His restored gospel, both of which were strengthened by those months spent in the Philippines helping others find this same knowledge.
I was under the impression that, to bake a cake from scratch, one must first invent the universe . . .