Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Joseph's Teachings

This week's blog prompt asked us to explain why some of Joseph Smith's teachings became scripture. After thinking about this for a while, I realized that I don't really know. After thinking about it for quite a while longer I determined I definitely don't know, but I do have several ideas. Please keep in mind that these are only my ideas.

The majority of the Doctrine and Covenants are revelations from God given to Joseph that have been written down. However, near the end of the Doctrine and Covenants, many of the sections are letters or teachings of the Prophet. This change instigates two questions in me. The first is the one relating to the prompt, why were Joseph's teachings turned into scripture. The second question I have is why do there seem to be fewer revelations at this point. Fortunately for me, the second question was answered in class this week. The first question, if it was answered, I either didn't notice or didn't understand.

Anyways, here are my interpretations of the answers. The main reason that the number of revelations decreased was because all the big questions that needed answering had been answered. The saints didn't need specific instruction anymore. The reason I think that the teachings of Joseph Smith were placed into the scriptures is because of how universal the topics he was teaching are. He took answers found in revelations earlier in the Doctrine and Covenants and expounded upon them so that the saints could understand them better. Since these teachings help so many people and explain such important topics, it makes sense for these teachings to be published so that all the saints could see them.

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