Thursday, April 25, 2013


Yes, I realize it has been quite a while since I've written.  Life gets busy sometimes- that's okay.  Between homework, finals, teaching, trying to still have a social life, I just haven't had the time to sit and write.  But here I am now, with a few spontaneties (that's spontaneous, turned into a noun and pluralized, spell-checker claims it isn't allowed, but I don't care) to share.

Spontaneity number 1 has already been stated- life gets busy and that's okay.  Being busy is actually really easy to handle as long as you remember what really matters.  Sometimes, regardless of how much homework and studying ought to be done, the most productive way to spend your time honestly is by playing with liquid nitrogen with your friends and roommates.  Nothing is ever so important that you can't pause and pray for a few minutes.  And nothing (besides prayer) is so important you can't laugh.  So bring on the busy- because that which is most important will still happen.

Spontaneity number 2- No matter how much you want to become better, no matter how hard you are trying to make each day a bit higher than the previous, life happens.  Life has been a bit of an emotional roller-coaster the past few weeks.  I've had plenty of high moments, like liquid nitrogen, school ending, and making memories with friends.  But these moments have been so clear because of the trials in between them, like attending the funeral of the baby of a close friend and the emotional strain of learning of the explosions at the Boston Marathon only minutes after my dad crossed the finish line.  I suppose the epiphany here is that life is allowed to be a little bit less than "better" every now and then.  When I forget to continue flossing and slack on exercising and retreat into myself, it's okay.  I'm not doing any worse.  Getting out of bed and getting dressed and making the choice to face the day knowing it won't be easy is the bigger accomplishment.  I don't have to feel guilty for being so worn out that I decide to skip Spanish.  

Spontaneity number 3- I'm grateful for my trials, so very grateful.  The Lord tested me and pushed me and made life really difficult, but at the end of this I realized how strong my testimony of God's Plan of Salvation was.  This is what I wrote about on Easter.  I had no idea how soon I would need to rely again on that testimony.  I would never have imagined that just over a week later I would sit at a funeral, watching my friend stand in front of the tiny casket holding her first child.  But I know, as does this dear friend of mine, that God has a plan for our families.  If we follow his plan, we can be with our families for the rest of eternity.  I know this is true and I am grateful that Heavenly Father helped me to remember how true it is so that my knowledge was there when I needed it.  I'm grateful that Heavenly Father is there to strengthen us when we are too weak to go to Spanish class. 

Spontaneity number 4- the semester is over. I'm free! Also- this is officially my 150th post. Isn't that cool. That's all.

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