Thursday, October 9, 2014

My Life is Routine

School a month ago...can you tell? Life has been busy.

I am a terrible journal keeper.  I remember to write in it about once a month.  My initial purpose behind my blog was to motivate me to write something, however random or spur of the moment, so that key events in my life are at least recorded somewhere since they never make it to my journal.  We can see I don't do much better with my blog.  I am finally starting to understand why.

My life is routine.  Especially during the school year.  I go to school and I go to work, not always in that order.  I do homework while sitting at the same table as my boyfriend so that we both feel like we are spending quality time together.  This time is either not particularly "quality time" or not particularly productive in regards to homework.  And I sleep.  Every now and then I even remember to eat.  Day after day, my life follows this same basic pattern.  If I ever find time to break routine and do something totally crazy, it lasts for ten to fifteen minutes and then I get back to what I ought to be doing and slowly forget it.

I sat down once a week or two ago with the intent of discovering something exciting I had done that week.  I went through each day...Monday- school and work. Tuesday- more of the same.  Day after day I could recall nothing terribly interesting or out of routine.  Ready to give up and proclaim my week dull and boring, my boyfriend reminded me of the particularly delicious veggie lasagna I had made for dinner.  There it was- the highlight, the pinnacle moment of my week...a veggie lasagna.  On that note, I declared my week dull, boring, and delicious.

Fortunately, not every week is this monotonous.  Last weekend was General Conference, a bi-annual meeting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in which modern prophets and apostles speak.  That was wonderful.  Just yesterday I won tickets to the "Homecoming Spectacular," a combined performance of the school's performing groups and a few guest performers.  And, on the thrill of my successful veggie lasagna experiment, I made a scrumptious squash bisque.

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