Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Beer and Dreams

I don't drink alcohol, and as I result, I've never tried beer or wine or any other alcoholic beverage.  I've never had much of a desire to even try beer- in the few times I've been aroubd it, the smell has been enough to squash all curiosity...but Sweden has beer-flavored soda which I was informed "had to be tried as part of the Swedish cultural experience." I was satisfied to discover that it tastes much like it smells and I have even less desire now to ever try real beer.

The champagne-flavored soda, on the other hand, was incredible! Almost the taste of a Martinelli but with 12 times the carbonation. 

After being exposed to a little of the "Swedish experience", we headed off to bed.  I was exhausted at this point. My flight left at 5:30 Monday evening and arrived at noon on Tuesday; unfortunately, I had not slept much on the plane. So- my head hit the pillow around 9:30 and I was probably unconscious by 9:31.

In the past month or so- I actually haven't dreamt much.  My day was often emotionally taxing enough that my mind just shut down all together once I fell asleep.  Previously, when I did dream, I always knew they were dreams from their sheer absurdity- like traveling to the moon by being launched from a circus cannon or riding the Pirates of the Carribean ride at Disneyland in an inner tube. Today's dream started absurd, but after driving home in my English-style hover-car, I walked into my parents kitchen and helped my ex-fiancé and my mother make dinner.  It was so normal. There were dirty dishes and missing cabinet doors and we couldn't find the worcestershire sauce in the fridge. We laughed and talked and just sat around acting like a family.  It felt so real.

Then I woke up and he wasn't there and it was 3:30 in the morning and the sun was rising...it was too much for my brain to handle at once. After a vain attempt to fall back asleep, I sit here- my body saying "sun's coming up, let's get up too" while my brain responds "it's 4 am, go back to bed; you're going to regret this in a few hours."

View from my room at 3:30 AM

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