Thursday, May 30, 2013

"You don't have to find out you're dying to start living"

I think that statement basically sums up why I have been striving to become something better.  It's from a youtube video I saw recently- the story of a 17 year old who knew he was dying.  He made every day worth living.  Life wasn't always perfect, there were hard times and bad days, but that didn't take away from the chance to live and change....

I'm not sure exactly where I'm going with all this.  I just wanted to share this video with you.  I feel like it explains a little bit why I'm doing what I'm doing.  I'm not terminally ill; I don't anticipate dying anytime in the near future.  I believe, however, that I should be able to fall asleep every night feeling that the day was a good last day, even if it isn't my last day.

It's like the story of that little Scottish lady (brief pause for a google search), Mary Murray Murdoch.  She was a Mormon Pioneer in the 1850's, traveling from Scotland to America, and then joining a hand cart company to join other members of the church in Utah.  She passed away before reaching her destination, but her final words are recorded as being "Tell John (her son) I died with my face toward Zion."  Completing the trip wasn't the most important thing. What mattered was the daily effort made to get there, never turning back, never giving up.  That is the sort of person I want to be.  I want to face forward, upward, God-ward every day.  I hope to know every day that I'm further along that path, even if just a little, and that I'm still facing the right way.  I don't want to wait to find out I'm dying before I start trying to use every day to live a wonderful life and help others do the same.

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