Christmas vacation was awesome - a week without work, sleeping in, and taking my time doing exactly what I wanted. Sometimes, you just need to sit around for a while.
And then other times you need to be tested - to prove to yourself just how much you can do. That's what I got to do this week. I got back to work on Tuesday, jumped in with both feet, and realized the water was a lot deeper than I thought it was. The work rolled in. The emails piled high. Meetings, training, and projects everywhere.
Did everything get But I kept my head above water. And I discovered I can tread water for much longer than I thought I could.
What a wonderful way to kick off a new year. While my Facebook feed is flooded with reasons and rants against New Years Resolutions - don't make goals cuz you won't keep them, you don't need an excuse to change, etc - I saw how much setting goals and pushing myself has helped me to grow. I accomplished everything this week because of the goals I set at the beginning of last year, at the beginning of each quarter, at the beginning of each week.
I don't need an excuse! But why pass up the opportunity?
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