March 13, 2011
I was totally going to send home pictures today, for all of you eager to see pictures of my life, but the computer has decided it doesn't really want to upload my pictures. Maybe next week, sorry.
In my frustration of not getting the pictures posted, I've forgotten what I was planning on writing about, funny huh? On top of that, I'm actually out of time. All that effort and nothing to show for it.
Sorry this weeks blog post is lame...
Love ya all, check back next week!
Since Elora's blog post was so short I combined it with her family letter.
Hey Everyone,
This weeks unique adventures started on Monday and haven't let up. It's been really fun, and that's an honest statement, despite what my description of the week may sound like.
Monday- So, I got sick on Friday, and this happened to be an illness I had earlier in my mission as well. It was essentially just a really obnoxious sore throat. I started off by just gargling salt water and taking some ibuprofen- the same instructions the mission presidents wife gave me last time I felt sick. When Monday rolled around and I only felt worse, I figured I should let her know again. To my dismay the response was to go to the hospital and get a check up at the clinic. We texted our District Leader to ask where the hospital was and were informed this trip would probably last all day because it's first come-first serve and the service is slow.
Tuesday- we woke up a little early to go to the hospital so that we could get on the list early. I ended up going with Sister Adams, another sister in the apartment who isn't my companion, so that my companion could take her companion and visit our investigator who is planning on being baptized this Saturday. We ended up being the first ones there and were done in less than an hour. The doctor didn't take my temperature, didn't swab my throat to see what it was, didn't really do anything. He gave me some lozenges for the pain and something to gargle, which was basically an extra strength mouth wash.
Wednesday- We held official companionship exchanges where Sister Adams and I went to my area. This meant I was in charge for the day for who to visit and what to do. This really helped me to feel more comfortable with the area. I was with someone who was familiar so I wasn't stressed at all. I know feel more confident in my ability to lead the area if my companion leaves me at the next transfer day.
Thursday- On this day I made a goal to talk a lot more in Hiligaynon. I ended up teaching nearly half of every lesson we taught. I felt so smart. The only problem is I still don't understand most people when they talk to me.
The rest of the weekend has been a little stressful and very rainy. The earthquake in Japan has caused some interesting weather problems and set everyone on edge. Nothing super big has happened here besides random 5 minute storms that soak everything then go away. People are mostly all worried about if there is another earthquake here because we are on the same fault line.
Well- that's my week, it was AWESOME!
ELORA!!! ahem SISTER SALWAY!! I'm glad to hear that you are having a great time there! I hope you feel better soon and i'm glad you guys are safe. I will be writing... soon :) love you!