This is the week leading up to Easter. I remember as a child always loving Easter for the colorful baskets full of candy and a chocolate rabbit. As I've grown and gained an understanding of what Easter means, it has come to be a very special time of the year. Here in the Philippines, Easter Sunday itself isn't really celebrated. They focus on Thursday and Friday. I'd like to explain why all three days are important to me and to the whole world.
Thursday- On this day, Christ and his apostles went to a
garden called Gethsemane. There, Jesus knelt and prayed to His Father.
It was there, in the garden, that he took upon himself the pains and
sins of the world. We learn from the Book of Mormon, "and he shall go
forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind;
and this tat the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon
him the pains and the sicknesses of his people" (Alma 7:11). His
suffering was so great that he bleed at every pore and begged that he
might not have to suffer. Yet for us, he submitted to the will of
Heavenly Father and suffered for each of us. Through his suffering, we
have the opportunity to repent and not suffer ourselves for our sins
(Doctrine and Covenants 19:16-19).
Friday- After Christ suffered for us, he was
arrested and judged on false charges. He was ridiculed, tortured, and
sentenced to be crucified. His death fulfilled prophesies made from the
beginning of time by prophets in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon.
With his death, his sacrifice for us was completed.
Sunday- On this day, Jesus Christ rose from the dead
to become the first resurrected being. As two women named Mary came to
visit the tomb, the angel declared to them "He is not here; for he is
risen" (Matthew 28:6). No suffering occurred on this day. The
importance of this event is beyond my ability to describe. Christ's
resurrection makes everything else worthwhile. It proved his godhood and
divinity. If he hadn't risen, his suffering and death would have been
in vain, for it would have proved that he was no more than mere mortal.
But He lived again and he still lives today. Through the power of his
resurrection, we shall all live again to be given the opportunity to
return to our Father in Heaven.
I know that Jesus is the Christ. He suffered and
died for us so that we may overcome all forms of suffering and death
that we experience as mortal beings. I know that this is the central
principle of God's entire plan for each of his children on earth. As
you prepare for and celebrate Easter this year, think not only of the
eggs and chocolate and marshmallow chickens. Remember our Lord and
Savior, accept his invitation to repent and become new through the
sacrifice he has already made for you.
Kasayod ko raya.
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