Monday, January 10, 2011

A Pile of Rocks

January 10,2011

Just a random thought process I had this week. For the background story, if you are unfamiliar, read Ether chapters 1-3 in the Book of Mormon.

In this story, the Brother of Jared asks the Lord for some sort of light to light the barges made to cross the ocean. In response, the Lord tells him to think of something on his own. I wasn't there, so I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that the Brother of Jared spent a long time trying to think of something that he could do. I believe that when he returned to the Lord he brought with him his very best effort- nothing more than a pile of rocks...

I wonder if he was embarrassed or afraid as he asked the Lord to make the rocks glow by touching them. But he had the faith to give all he had, and as a result Christ touched each stone, causing them to literally radiate with the light of Christ.

What do I have to give... What is in my pile of rocks... a non-existent knowledge of Hiligaynon, a broken ability to speak Tagalog, a heart that wants to serve but feels like it can't...

I have two options, I can hold tight to my pathetic pile of rocks, and they will remain rocks.

Or I can take them to the Lord. Despite inadequacies, the Lord can take what little I have to offer and make it shine. He can make it enough. The Lord has not asked me to do something I am incapable of, I just need to realize that I need his help to make my pile of rocks into the beautiful creation he has in mind.

Halong! (take care)

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