Monday, November 14, 2016

#1 November Roses, a multi-faceted miracle

There are some miracles that surround us every day, yet we do not take the time to enjoy them.  Roses are one of those miracles.

Today, I consider this miracle to be multi-faceted because it is a miracle on so many different levels and each level has it's own type of miracle and reason to feel gratitude for it.

First - the title miracle.

It is November and the roses are still in full bloom.  The pictures included here are were taken today as I left work. These roses aren't the last few stragglers on plant preparing to shut down for the winter. These are huge, vibrant blooms and they are every where. This means, not only do I get to enjoy roses, but it is warm enough to want to be outside and enjoy roses.  I'm not much of a cold-weather person, so any evidence of warm weather is a miracle to me.
Next - the ability to experience the simple beauty of a rose.

There are roses in this world. They come in hundreds of colors and dozens of sizes. And I have eyes that can see those colors, the gradation from one color to another, and the perfect pattern the rose forms.  I have skin that can feel the soft velvety petals, the dozens and dozens of petals. With my nose, I can smell the perfume they give off. A smell which we have learned to capture and replicate, but never quite matches the warm, sunlight scent of a rose garden.  I have a phone that can capture the image. And who knows - maybe this device once intended for talking will someday capture and convey that smell to you too.

Finally - stop and smell the roses.

These rose bushes are at work. I walk past them almost every day as I leave the office (not quite every day because sometimes I walk out of different doors). After a full day of work, I can put it all down, walk away, and literally stop to smell the roses before returning home. It gives me a moment to think, to relax, to set everything aside and see the miracle of a rose.

They aren't just beautiful. They aren't just blooming into November.  They are blooming when and where I can see them and appreciate them every day. That is such an incredible miracle and witness to me that God knows who I am and cares enough to put roses along my path.

Take the time to smell the roses before winter comes.

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