Sunday, November 20, 2016

#4 Perfectly timed messages

This is actually yesterday's miracle, so I may post another miracle for today this evening.

I had to work yesterday. Well, I didn't have to, but I have fallen behind in a few projects that are due at the end of this month, so I chose to go into work and try and get caught up. I'm really grateful that I do not regularly have to work on Saturdays.

After several hours of work and some reasonable progress on my projects (still behind, but not as badly now), I was ready to go have "Saturday." I started messaging people to find something Saturday-esq to do and received a response inviting me out to dinner with a group of friends. At this point, I suddenly realize I'm starving.

Now, had the message not been sent, I could have easily gone home and made myself something to eat to solve the problem. Or- had the message been sent half an hour later, I would have gone home and made myself something to eat and missed out on a chance to spend the evening with good friends while eating good food.  The message was perfectly timed to not only satisfy my physical hunger, but also my emotional hunger after a long lonely day at the office.

I also consider it a minor miracle that I did not have any left-overs to take home...or perhaps just evidence of how starving I was...

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